Make the right portfolio expansion choices and grow with confidence
Follow the data to make more informed choices about your next target areas. Scale your revenue reliably as you expand. Create a harmonious portfolio that boosts brand equity. Build a future-proof flexspace brand.
Expand efficiently by discovering high-opportunity sites for your next workplaces
As you consider the next step for your flexspace portfolio, the ideal locations to expand into aren’t always apparent. Understanding the market potential for your brand in new target areas is critical – ensuring that your growth strategy maximises revenue and minimises risk. Data is essential to make informed decisions, uncovering the greatest opportunities for your brand to secure sites that offer the highest ROI.

Our location planning reports provide unparalleled insights into the flexible workspace market, highlighting areas that present the perfect environment for your next venture to thrive. We utilise leading data sources and innovative primary research methods to evaluate the feasibility of target locations. Taking into account supply, competition levels, local worker demographics, service or pricing trends, and more, we illuminate the best next step for your brand to take. With our intelligence, you can grow your portfolio more efficiently than ever.

The location data you need
Location profiles
Deep dive into the fundamentals of a target location. Get data-driven insights into worker population, demographics, competition levels, property pricing, and more to make better informed choices. Our bespoke individual site assessment defines your catchment based on supply and demand factors. Our health check profile includes an area fact pack, drive-time analysis from population centres, a business landscape overview covering key trends and threats, an in-depth pricing analysis, a competitor positioning review, and market entry advice.
Feasibility studies
Look beneath the surface of a target area to understand whether your workplace brand can thrive there. Benchmark against your existing portfolio to give the next opportunity context. Embrace a data-driven approach in the search for the perfect place for your next location. Get an easy-to-interpret overview of an area’s demographics, growth potential, and key economic opportunities. All analysed in the context of your workplace plans to generate a simple overview of how feasible a location is for your brand to expand into.
Portfolio review
Analyse the strengths and weaknesses across your portfolio, with a focus on understanding what steps you can take to improve operational efficiency and revenue opportunities. Receive a detailed review of your occupier-base, amenity suitability, growth potential, and more. Uncover insights that transform how you view your portfolio and provide direction as you seek to optimise for customer experience or revenue.
Leverage our proprietary location modelling tool
Investment decisions are traditionally opportunity-led and based on limited data. We can provide you with a competitive advantage by bringing a wealth of additional data to help identify the best opportunities for portfolio expansion.
Our easy-to-use web-mapping platform integrates granular data streams that provide immediate insights into residential and working populations, retail composition, POIs (points-of-interest), areas of activity, and competitor presence.
We can also build a prioritised Network Blueprint for the UK, identifying the number of workers in job categories that are most likely to be office-based, the amount of branded shared offices in each market, and a supply and demand ratio for any town or locale across the country.
The output from this work is a prioritised ranking of the best opportunities across the UK to support proactive investments and a wealth of instantly accessible data that can be used to assess market opportunities.