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Explore our free resources:
London Flex Brand Index

What's your objective?

We have research and resources that can help you to build, grow and succeed in this ever-changing market.

The market for flexible offices is constantly evolving. If you're considering office space, launching a flexible office, or investing in a specific market, we offer in-depth expertise to help you navigate the latest trends and opportunities.

Free Resources

Develop your knowledge of the UK Flexible Office Market with a selection of resources from Spaces to Places and other industry figures.

Strategies, Players, & Business Models

Business Models Report Open

This report examines the
market dynamics, business models, and growth opportunities in this evolving sector - analysing over 50 flex office providers in the UK with 10+ locations to support strategic decision-makers.

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Grow Your Flexspace Business

We share our insights and direction needed for a successful flex office enterprise.

Watch the video then use our free expert analysis tool to find out how to overcome your challenges and grow faster.

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Report: London Flex Brand Index

The Flex Brand Index benchmarks the providers of London’s leading flex office providers.

Understand the drivers of the market and the successful providers within - including a ranking of the Top 60+ providers.

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Flexible Office Sector Terminology

With growth has come a lot of new terminology to understand.

Here we provide simple definitions for all of the biggest sector terms, so you know exactly what you’re talking about when you’re talking about flexible workspaces.

Learn more


Listen to these free podcasts, covering various different topics. They offer lots of value if you’re looking to grow your flexspace business.

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Book a call

With Zoe Ellis-Moore, CEO and Founder

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