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London Flex Brand Index

What's your objective?
We have research and resources that can help you to build, grow and succeed in this ever-changing market.

The market for flexible offices is constantly evolving. If you're considering office space, launching a flexible office, or investing in a specific market, we offer in-depth expertise to help you navigate the latest trends and opportunities.
Free Resources
Develop your knowledge of the UK Flexible Office Market with a selection of resources from Spaces to Places and other industry figures.
Strategies, Players, & Business Models
This report examines the
market dynamics, business models, and growth opportunities in this evolving sector - analysing over 50 flex office providers in the UK with 10+ locations to support strategic decision-makers.
Grow Your Flexspace Business
Watch the video then use our free expert analysis tool to find out how to overcome your challenges and grow faster.
Report: London Flex Brand Index
Understand the drivers of the market and the successful providers within - including a ranking of the Top 60+ providers.
Flexible Office Sector Terminology
Here we provide simple definitions for all of the biggest sector terms, so you know exactly what you’re talking about when you’re talking about flexible workspaces.